Corporate Product Actions & Corporate Volunteering

In the context of Corporate Social Responsibility, you can support the work of Syzoi by choosing one of the following ways:

  1. allocating part of the sales of your selected products
  2. supporting a public awareness campaign to raise funds for a project
  3. supporting the cost of purchasing therapeutic, educational equipment
  4. offering products to cover permanent and emergency needs of our Centre
  5. participating with a volunteer group of your employees, in events of Syzoi, contributing to events’ success and goal achievement
  6. hosting our Christmas, Easter, and summer bazaars by providing a space in your work environment

Financial Adoption of Programmes

Adopt an “action” or a “therapeutic or educational program”, with a specific duration and objectives, and contribute to the smooth implementation of the specialized programs of Syzoi designed by the multidisciplinary team to support the continuous development of the beneficiaries and improve their quality of life.

Please call +30 2310 460777 to find out about the specialized programs of the current educational year, the cost of their implementation, the ways to support them and the ways to promote your sponsorship.

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