Home care for children up to 6 years old with visual impairment/ blindness and with or without additional disabilities.
The Early Intervention Program of Syzoi has been implemented since 2006 and it is the only one in Northern Greece that is a comprehensive educational program for infants and children from 0 to 6 years old with visual disorders – blindness, low vision or other diagnosed problems of visual perception . Children with visual disorders and additional disabilities such as mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorder, neurological disorders, motor or sensory difficulties, neurometabolic syndromes, etc. also participate in the programme. The early years with a visual disability (VD) are crucial for a child’s development and early educational intervention is crucial for his/her development. Recognizing the important role of the family in the life of a child with visual disabilities, “SYZOI” implements the Early Intervention program focusing on the family, at home, by specialized instructors. Educational activities are adapted to the child’s favourite habits and interests. The intervention takes place on a weekly basis, it lasts from 40 to 60 minutes and includes educational activities in the form of play in which the participation of parents is essential. During the home visit, a discussion is held with the parents about the child’s needs, the management and problem solutions.

The project is also supported by the Interdisciplinary Team of Syzoi.
Benefits of the Early Intervention Programme:
- Utilizes the child’s residual vision by holistically enhancing the child’s psychomotor and cognitive development
- Contributes to the quality of life of the child and his/her family by preventing secondary problems
- Benefits families by reducing stress levels and improving interaction with other family members.
Objectives of the programme:
- Observation/Assessment of functional vision and training to improve its use. To systematically observe the child’s ability to use vision in everyday life in different environments and circumstances,
- Observation using assessment tools and strengthening of all areas of the child’s development (cognitive, behavioural, emotional, social, communication, motor),
- Establishing educational objectives in order to exploit and promote vision deficiencies, if they exist,
- Supporting the family in order to understand the child’s needs as well as possible and to improve the quality of interaction with the child.

At home and with visits to the Centre for children up to 6 years old with visual disorders / blindness and additional disabilities
The Early Intervention program is enriched with weekly visits to the “Syzoi” Day Care Center, enabling children to proceed with their therapeutic programs under the same roof, in the morning hours, without unnecessary transportation. The team of the program consists of therapists of all specialties, child psychiatrist, psychologist, special educator, social worker. Within the framework of the program and according to the individualized program of each child, the following types of treatments are implemented at the Center:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
In addition, other programmes are gradually being integrated like :
- Music therapy
- Snoezelen – Visual Stimulation
The team works in a holistic approach and provides individualized services to the child and his/her family from the very first moment. Particular emphasis is placed on supporting families with individual counselling carried out by the psychosocial service and a continuous update and collaboration with the Special Educator.