Donate Kilometres 2024

Sizoe invites you to support its work and the implementation of its specialized educational/therapeutic programs for children and adolescents with visual impairments and additional disabilities in a special way:

– Run or walk wherever, whenever and as many times as you want,
– record your effort via an app/application on your smartwatch or mobile phone,
– send us a screenshot/screenshot of the screen with your result on our Facebook page, via Messenger, Instagram or email,
and the energy company Elpedison will convert your km into € to be donated to Syozoi.

The aim of the action is to collect 6.000 km, which with the kind sponsorship of Elpedison, will be converted into 6.000€, an amount that will support the Early Intervention Program of Syozois.

Your entries will be recorded and the total number of kilometres will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram page, where we will be happy to receive your comments.

-1 km = 1 € – Every km counts and helps you
-Run as many times as you want
-Start your friends
-Combine it with your training or your walk
-Download an app from Play store or App store on your mobile phone and start recording.

For more information contact the secretariat of Syozois at 2310460777 or