Online Workshop on: Snoezelen Sensory Environments – Good Practices

It is with great pleasure that “Syozoi” invites you to the webinar on: “Snoezelen Sensory Environments – Good Practices” on Wednesday 14 December 2022.

The conference is the second part of a series of actions to promote the multi-sensory environment, with the aim of informing, exchanging knowledge, recording ideas and concerns, creating a network of partners. The duration of the workshop will be 3-4 hours and participation for the public is free of charge.

Objectives of the workshop:
– Communication and getting to know each other among the institutions that have a Snoezelen room, exchange of ideas-knowledge, networking at national level, collaborations in order to improve the services provided and the possible design of joint projects
– To inform institutions and professionals who do not have relevant equipment and experience, in order to disseminate the specific therapeutic approach and increase the number of Snoezelen rooms nationwide in order to benefit more people
– Recording of proposals, ideas, concerns, which will be an impetus for continued collaborations and new corresponding actions to promote multisensory programs.

The conference is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Interior (Macedonia and Thrace sector) in the framework of the “STRIZO” programme and is addressed to professionals in the field of Special Education, Rehabilitation, Mental Health and Education (professionals, therapists, parents, students, counsellors, representatives of institutions, etc.).

To participate please fill in the form below by Monday 12/12/22:

Participation is free of charge – Number of places limited.

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